10 October 2019, House of Representatives, The Hague (The Netherlands)
The ACCELERATE project partner Rathenau Instituut presented a report on the return on investment in Research Infrastructures to members of the Dutch Parliament. The report is dedicated to the calculation of return on investment of Dutch participation.
The ACCELERATE project provided much needed insight in the bigger picture and the many impacts (pathways) of Research Infrastructures; in particular the task led by the Rathenau Instituut to develop a generic impact approach for Research Infrastructures.
From left to right: Leonie van Drooge, Jos van den Broek, Jasper Deuten and Paul Diederen from the Dutch Rathenau Instituut, Members of Parliament Eppo Bruins (CU / ChristianUnion), Harry van der Molen (CDA / Christian Democratic Appeal), Jan Paternotte (D66 / Democrats 66) and Dennis Wiersma (VVD / People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy).