News and Events

Watch now ► ACCELERATE webinars on Innovation, Technology Transfer Management and Industrial Liaison
15 July 2021

In the framework of ACCELERATE, a series of webinars took place each month in which one of the key aspects related to Innovation, Industrial Liaison and Technology Transfer were presented by experts in the field and discussed with the participants. Click here for an overview and to watch the webinars.

Read now ► Overview on the HERCULES Specialized Course 2021
July 2021

Nearly 40 researchers from 14 different countries took part in the HERCULES Specialised Course 2021, organised by CERIC on 31 May – 09 June, in the framework of the H2020 projects ACCELERATEand CALIPSOplus, and the CEIcooperation fund. Read more here.

Read now ► The CERIC 2020 Annual Report is now online. 
30 June 2021

The report incorporates CERIC’s annual accounts for 2020, an overview of scientific performance and results, achievements in the fields of industrial liaison, training, communication, and policy development, also in the frame of ACCELERATE and other H2020 projects. Read here.

Register now ►ACCELERATE Final Event
21 June 2o21 (from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST), Online

Setting up a new ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures in Europe is a considerable challenge. While the investments in Research Infrastructures (RIs) is the responsibility of the Members States/Associated Countries, the European Commission contributes to the setting-up of the RI and is to the early phase of the operation. Read more and register here.

Overview ► Planning for Sustainability of Research Infrastructures
02 June 2o21

Research Infrastructures are considered one of the success stories of the European Research Area (ERA), and have transformed the way science is done as they facilitate access to large-scale facilities to perform excellent and ground-breaking research. Moreover, Research Infrastructures support in building bridges and linking communities across different regions, in Europe as well as globally, through scientific research and collaborations. Read more here.

 Register now ►  Research Infrastructures (RIs) – Energy Industry Meeting: Improving Industry Usage of RIs
29 April 2021, Online

In the frame of the ACCELERATE project, CERIC is organising a meeting focusing on the relationship between Energy companies (batteries, energy storage, fuel cells) and Research Infrastructures (RIs). Read more and register here.

Register now ► HERCULES Specialized Course 2021: The multi-technique approach of CERIC-ERIC as a tool for Nanoscience 
31 May – 09 June 2021, Online

The HERCULES Specialized Course (HSC) is an extensive training that is being organized since 2006, taking place after the main HERCULES School, and combining both theoretical and practical sessions.

This year’s edition will be organized from 31st May to 9th June 2021 by CERIC-ERIC, in the framework of the H2020 projects ACCELERATE and CALIPSOplus. It will bring together junior researchers to expand their scientific knowledge about large-scale Research Infrastructures. Read more and register here.Save the date and Register now ► ACCELERATE Webinar: ‘Tech for Social Good: How NMR & Ion Beams can help industry solve UN SDGs
20 May 2021 at 12:o0 pm (CEST), Online

CERIC and its project partner ESP are organising the ”Tech for Social Good: How NMR & Ion Beams can help industry solve UN SDGs”, which will be held online on 20 May 2021. Read more and register here.Save the date and Register now ► ACCELERATE Webinar #13: ‘Spinning Out – The early days define the journey’
20 April 2021 at 11:30 (CET), Online

The 13th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 20th April 2021 at 11:30 am (CET time). The speaker of this edition is Mr. Luca Venza, Director of Technology Innovation, Transfer and Acceleration at the IESE Business School. Read more and register here.

Save the dates of the upcoming webinars: Innovation for industry at European Research Infrastructures and ERICs cases: European Spallation Source ERIC Accelerator and Detector Technologies – Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities
07-14-21-28 April 2021, Online

In the frame of the H2020 project ACCELERATE, a series of webinars highlighting examples and cases of innovation for industry at European Research infrastructures in general, and ERICs in particular will be held in April 2021. Each talk will be facilitated by an expert in the field from the European Spallation Source. Read more and register here. The presentations are now available► Research2Business Online-Workshop: Residual Stress Analysis
09 March 2021, online 

What are the best ways to achieve understanding about residual stress in your materials and components? In the frame of the ACCELERATE project, HZG organised an R2B workshop focused on the topic ”Residual Stress Analysis”. The event was held online on 09 March 2021. Read more hereRead the CERIC Paper: State of the Open Access Procedures at Research Infrastructures
24 February 2021

Open Access to Research Infrastructures is a key driver for scientific excellence and innovation. CERIC’s paper analises the Open Access Procedures of Research Infrastructures in Europe, their level of harmonization/standardisation, and effects of COVID19 on their operations. Read the paper here.

CERIC’s call for proposals is now open!
01 February 2021

Apply and get free Open Access to more than 50 labs and techniques for research in all fields of materials, biomaterials and nanotechnology. Read more here.

DDL: 1st step: March 1st, 2021 – 5pm CET | 2nd step: March 31st, 2021 – 5pm CETRead the CERIC Paper: Applicability and challenges related to the Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures
28 January 2021

In the EC’s Communication A new ERA for Research and Innovation, The Commission proposes that Member States reinforce their commitment to shared policies and principles, drawing on the 20 years of the ERA, by adopting a Pact for Research and Innovation (Pact) . In the field of Research Infrastructures (RIs) , a relevant contribution to such a Pact could be the Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures (Charter). Read more here. Paper: Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Practices of Analytical Facilities II
07 January 2021

COVID-19 has a substantial impact on the operations of analytical facilities that serve external users.At the end of April 2020, only a third of the surveyed research infrastructures (RIs) reported that they maintained such user access activities; however, several had set up specific COVID-19 services and responded to travel limitations with a strong shift towards remote services. Half a year later, the pandemic is still not over, and the significant mutations of the virus observed recently indicate that COVID-19 is likely to remain endemic for the foreseeable future. RIs, as a consequence, will have to learn how to live with it to some degree, possibly for years to come. Read more here.Workshop on Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Monitoring of Research Infrastructures
16-17 December 2020, Online

The workshop, which was held online on 16-17 December 2020, aimed at highlighting the recent developments in the field of impact assessment, scientific evaluation and monitoring of research infrastructures and is co-organized by three European Commission co/funded projects, ACCELERATE, ERIC Forum and RI-PATHSRead more and find the workshop’s presentation here.ACCELERATE Webinars – OVERVIEW
Watch now the latest webinar ”The Missing 90%: From an Idea to a Product”

In the framework of ACCELERATE, a series of webinars are taking place each month in which one of the key aspects related to Innovation, Industrial Liaison and Technology Transfer is presented by experts and discussed with the participants. Click here for an overview of past webinars.Watch now the webinars on state-of-the-art neutron methods

In the frame of ACCELERATE, a series of webinars focused on state-of-the-art neutron methods were held in October and November 2020. This series of webinars was facilitated by experts from the European Spallation Source, with the aim of bringing together researchers from industry as well as R&D staff from both academia and industry to exchange knowledge and expertise. Read more and watch the recordings here. Watch now ► Radiation Safety and Quality at Research Infrastructures

 In the frame of the H2020 project ACCELERATE, a series of webinars focused on radiation safety in large scale facilities were held in September and October 2020. Each talk was facilitated by an expert in the field, tackling different angles of the topic. Read more and watch the recordings here.


Watch now the ACCELERATE session at ESOF2020 ”Illuminating Cultural Heritage : From Research to Preservation”

In the frame of ACCELERATE, an online ESOF2020 session on Cultural Heritage had been organised in collaboration with project partners 06 September 2020.

The session brought together 4 scientific experts in the fields to discuss various aspects of the need and the use of cultural heritage research, as well as its applications. Watch it here.Contribution of Research Infrastructures to the renewed European Research Area
17 August 2020

Read the new paper by the CERIC-ERIC executive director Jana Kolar on how Research Infrastructures  can contribute to the priorities of the European Research Area (ERA). Uzhhorod National University in Ukraine and the H2020 project ACCELERATE

13 July 2020

Creating bridges and collaborations in scientific research across Europe is an important factor to foster research and innovation in the European Research Area. Through the Uzhhorod National University (UZHNU), that is the ACCELERATE project partner in Ukraine, we aim to reduce the barriers that prevent researchers from the region to create a stronger user community which accesses and uses the facilities of European Research Infrastructures. Read the article here.

CERIC’s contribution to the EU’s strategic agendas – Developing dedicated services in the field of Energy storage
11 June 2020

The ESFRI White Paper 2020 proposes that Research Infrastructures contribute to the EU’s strategic agendas. Read about the approach of CERIC to enhance its support to the EU Green Deal, with a focus on energy storage ► click here

Watch now ► CERIC’s new corporate video
09 June 2020

CERIC’s new corporate video, presenting “CERIC-ERIC, the super-laboratory open for scientists all over the world” click here.   

ERF’s Review of Working Practices of Analytical facilities During the Pandemic
06 May 2020

COVID-19 has strongly impacted analytical facilities’ operations. To support them in the transition phase, ERF and CERIC analysed the operations and current safety measures of 27 different Research Infrastructures, and developed a report with best practices that can be adopted when re-opening operations. Read more here.Save the date ► ACCELERATE Webinar #11: “Success Factors in Curating a Fast-Growing Commercialisation Ecosystem”
19 May 2020, 11:30 am (CEST)

The 11th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 19th May 2020 at 11:30 am (CEST time). The speaker of this edition is Mr. Shiva Loccisano, Head of Technology Transfer at the Politecnico di Torino and board member of Netval.(the Italian Network of Technology Transfer Offices of Universities and Public Research Organizations). Read more and register here.

COVID-19 Fast Track Access

In order to facilitate the research on the COVID-19, CERIC has set up a dedicated Fast Track Access to a selected number of instruments.

The dedicated Fast Track Access will allow to access the selected instruments for research related to the COVID-19, without the necessity to undergo the regular evaluation procedure, and be scheduled within 1 month from the submission of the proposal, based on the feasibility evaluation performed by the facility. Read more here.

Save the date ► ACCELERATE Webinar #10: “Keeping the conversation going on social media: Tips for large facilities”
21 April 2020, 11:30 am (CEST)

The 10th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 21st April 2020 at 11:30 am (CEST time). The speaker of this edition is Molly Pekarik-Fry, Web & Digital Content Manager at Diamond Light Source.

Read more and register hereResearch Infrastructures and COVID-19 Research

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, several Research Infrastructures (RIs) have set up specific services, such as rapid access to instruments, data and other resources, to allow researchers to obtain results as soon as possible. To facilitate the visibility of those services and maximise their use by researchers, ERF-AISBL (the Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities), in collaboration with CERIC-ERIC, are collecting the relevant information about the initiatives on a dedicated website.

(POSTPONED)   ACCELERATE findings to be presented to European Research Infrastructures at the 4th European User Office Meeting (EUOM)
29-30 April 2020 – ELI beamlines, Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic

CERIC will take part in the 4th European User Office Meeting (EUOM), organized by ELI with the support of ERF. This year’s programme will include participatory sessions where CERIC will contribute by presenting its findings on Open access procedures and policies, peer review processes and publication policies, resulting from the work developed in the frame of the ACCELERATE project.  Read more hereSave the date ► ACCELERATE Webinar #9: “Storytelling – Connecting People to Your Idea”
10 March 2020, 11:30 (CET)

The 9th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 10th March 2020 at 11:30 am (CET time). The speaker of this edition is Ian Tracey, Head of Access to Funding and Finance at KTN (Knowledge Transfer Network). Read more and register hereOpinion – Research infrastructures, Horizon Europe Missions and wider policy goals.

The evolving landscape of European priorities – which ones should research infrastructures address, how, and if at all.
Jana Kolar, CERIC-ERIC

For years, pan European research infrastructures (RIs) and large-scale national facilities have contributed to the excellence of the Union’s science base. In European programmes, they were firmly nested in the Pillar dedicated to scientific excellence and supported though a dedicated work programme. In addition, they have contributed to training, innovation, and partly also to the other pillars of the programme, such as the one addressing societal challenges. Read more here. CERIC Call for Proposals is now open!

January 2020

We offer access to more than 50 instruments and two support laboratories, as well as the opportunity of getting support for mobility for two users per proposal and awards for high quality open access publications.

Read more here. 
In-kind Contributions in the life of an ERIC
05 December 2019, TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute – Germany

CERIC organized a workshop focused on in-kind contributions within Research Infrastructures, in particular in ERICs. The event took place at the premises of the TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute (ERI) in Garching on 05th December 2019. Read more here.Central European Infrastructure for Research in Materials and Life Science
12 December 2019,  Joint Innovation Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – (Sofia, Bulgaria)

A delegation of CERIC met with the scientific community in Bulgaria on 12 December 2019 at 10 am, as an outreach action for enlargement and international cooperation of the ACCELERATE project. The presentation took place at the premises of the Joint Innovation Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Read more here.Save the date ► ACCELERATE webinar #8: Technology Transfer as an Ecosystem
03 December 2019, 11:30 (CET)

Technology Transfer does not occur at a specific point in space and time. It is rather an ecosystem, where different beings live together and feed off each other. This will be demonstrated at the 8th ACCELERATE webinar will take place on 3rd December 2019 at 11:30 (CET). Read more hereIn-kind Contributions in the life of an ERIC
05 December 2019, Munich – Germany

CERIC is organising a workshop focused on in-kind contributions within Research Infrastructures, in particular in ERICs. The aim of the event is to increase the awareness among the existing and future ERICs and with the EC about the emerging best practices and find the best approach to solve the pending issues and different interpretations related to the in-kind contributions. Read more here.ACCELERATE at the Dutch House of Representatives
10 October 2019, House of Representatives, The Hague (The Netherlands)

The ACCELERATE project partner Rathenau Instituut presented a report on the return on investment in Research Infrastructures to members of the Dutch Parliament. The report is dedicated to the calculation of return on investment of Dutch participation. Read more here.ACCELERATE Satellite Session at the 5th Regional Scientific-Practical Conference ‘Information Technologies in the Life of Students and Young Scientists of Transcarpathia’
07 November 2019, Uzhhorod National University Ukraine

The event will take place at the premises of the ACCELERATE project partner the Uzhhorod  National University on 07 November 2019. It will bring together early-stage researchers and the scientific community in Ukraine to share research results and expand their knowledge about various fields. Read more hereACCELERATE Webinar #7: The development of Synchrotron-XRPD analytical services to best meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.
06 November 2019, 11:30 (CET+1)

The 7th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 06 November 2019 at 11:30 (CET+1). The speaker of this edition is Dr. Fabia Gozzo, founder of Excelsus Structural Solutions. Dr. Gozzo will showcase the development of Synchrotron-XRPD analytical services to best meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Read more here.ACCELERATE at the Advanced Engineering Show
30-31 October 2019, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham – UK

The ACCELERATE project partners ESP and HZG will take part in the Advanced Engineering Show in Birmingham on 30-31 October, which is UK’s largest annual advanced manufacturing trade show. During the event, the opportunities that Research Infrastructures can offer to industries in the fields of advanced engineering will be showcased. Read more hereTowards Key Performance Indicators of Research Infrastructures
Authors: Jana Kolar, Marjan Cugmas, Anuška Ferligoj (Submitted on 1st October 2019)

In 2018, the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) was tasked by the Competitiveness Council, a configuration of the Council of the EU, to develop a common approach for monitoring of Research Infrastructures’ performance.  To this end, ESFRI established a working group, which has proposed 21 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor the progress of the Research Infrastructures (RIs) addressed towards their objectives. Read more hereACCELERATE Webinar #6: The DTU (Technical University of Denmark) Innovation System.
08 October 2019, 11:30 (GMT+2)

The 6th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on 08 October 2019 at 11:30 (GMT+2). The topic will be focused on the innovation system of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), considering its successful technology transfer operation. Read more hereApply now ► CERIC Call for Proposals is now open!

There are new instruments added to the offer in this call. In particular, a 300kV Titan Krios 3Gi Cryo electron microscope equipped with two direct electron detectors located at SOLARIS is now available for researchers conducting studies in structural biologyRead more here. 1st Italian ERIC Forum on ERICs’ regulations and operational issues.
27 June 2019, CERIC-ERIC

In the framework of the Horizon2020 project ACCELERATE, CERIC-ERIC organized the first Italian ERIC Forum on 27 June 2019 at CERIC’s headquarters in Trieste. The meeting was organized in line with Work Package 1 of the project, which has as objective, among others, to develop policies and methodologies for advanced operational aspects of ERICs through a set of activities. Read more here. ACCELERATE webinar on the challenges in Executing Industry-University Projects

The 5th edition of the ACCELERATE webinars will take place on Tuesday 16 July at 11:30 (CET). It will assess the practical threads and pitfalls in running collaborative projects. The focus will be on the Common Challenges in Executing Industry-University Projects. Read more hereACCELERATE project partners gathered at ELI-ALPS for 2019 annual meeting
12 – 13 June, Szeged – Hungary

On 12 June 2019, ACCELERATE project partners met at the premises of the ELI-ALPS in Szeged Hungary, for the first annual meeting of the year. The meeting started with a tour of the facility. Read more here.ACCELERATE’s outcomes on scientists of the Uzhhorod National University in Ukraine

Getting to a horizon is impossible from a physics point of view as it is an imaginable line dividing the land and the sky. As Earth is a sphere, the horizon is constantly distancing itself while we are trying to reach it in vain. Nevertheless, making the impossible possible is an achievable task. Read more here.Director of CERIC’s Czech Partner Facility awarded ‘The Doctor Honoris Causa of Uzhhorod National University’
May 2019

Prof. Vladimir Matolin, Director of CERIC’s Czech Partner Facility (Charles University Prague), has been awarded ‘The Doctor Honoris Causa of Uzhhorod National University’ by the Academic Council of the University for scientific achievements in the field of physics, education and science. Read more hereCERIC’s internal research project presented at the congress EUROFINISH + MATERIALS 2019
15 – 16 May 2019, Leuven – Belgium

CERIC, together with the ACCELERATE partner ESP participated in the trade fair and congress: ‘’Material science meets surface technology EUROFINISH + MATERIALS 2019’’ in Leuven, Belgium. The fair brings together more than 140 exhibitors and 40 speakers to give an overview and present the latest developments within the Materials science area. Read more here.CERIC at the ECAART13 – European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Innovation
05 – 10 May 2019, Split – Croatia

CERIC took part in the 13th edition of the European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Innovation (ECAART 13), which was co-organized by CERIC’s Croatian Partner Facility the Ruđer Bošković Institute.The Conference is held every three years and is the most relevant scientific meeting for professionals working in the field of accelerator based research. Read more here.School-conference of Young Scientists ”Modern Material Science: Physics, Chemistry, Technology”
27 – 31 May 2019, Uzhhorod – Ukraine

The event will bring together the scientific community in Ukraine with the aim of informing them about the latest achievements in the fields of materials, nano sized systems and nano-materials. The conference will also an occasion to discuss new results and exchange knowledge about the fundamental and technological aspects of the research studies. Read more here.ACCELERATE Webinar on ”IP and Commercialisation for Research Organisations” 
14  May 2019, 11:30 (CET+1)

What is Intellectual Property (IP)? What are the most important aspects relevant to a research  environment? How do you create an IP, own it and commercialise it? How should IP be handled in the context of research agreements and collaborations? Read more here.CERIC and Rathenau Institute at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport in Slovenia to discuss the socio-economic impact of CERIC
06 March 2019, Ljubljana – Slovenia 

In the framework of the EC co-funded ACCELERATE project, CERIC and the Rathenau Institute have developed a methodology for the societal impact assessment of Research Infrastructures, which is an important element of the long-term sustainability of the Research Infrastructures (RIs). Read more hereACCELERATE Webinar on ‘How to Look Attractive to Investors’ 
02 April 2019, Online

How can you get your innovations out of the lab into commercial exploitation? What are the major aspects to take into consideration to make the project attractive to potential investors? These questions among others will be discussed at the second ACCELERATE webinar on April 2ndat 11:30. Read more here.Accelerate Your Idea : Technology transfer – Industry networking combined workshop
07 – 08 March 2019, Lund – Sweden  

How to develop industrially relevant ideas and transfer them outside of the Research Infrastructures (RIs)? How to overcome their legal, Intellectual property (IP) and finance- related challenges at the implementation stage? How to shape those ideas to make them attractive for the industrial market? These questions and other will be discussed at the ACCELERATE workshop organised by ESS in 07-08 March in Lund. Read more here.The CERIC Satellite Event at the NESY Winterschool is back for a 2nd edition

The CERIC Satellite Event at the NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation is coming up for a second edition following the success of its first edition in 2017 The event will take place in Altaussee, Austria on 4-8 March 2019. Read more here.ACCELERATE Industry Satellite Event 
24 January 2019, Hamburg – Germany

In collaboration between ACCELERATE, DESY and HZG, the Industry Satellite Session during the DESY and European XFEL User Meeting 2019 ‘Looking for the Indestructible: Preventing Damage, Failure and Fracture’, will take place in Hamburg, Germany on 24 January 2019. Read more hereIndustry innovation and the role of Research Infrastructures (RIs)
December 2018

How CERIC-ERIC could help hundreds of firms to easy access to solutions on materials development, processing and use? Read more in this article.ACCELERATE project partners gathered in Garching to discuss upcoming steps & activities
06 December 2018, Garching – Germany

On 06 December 2018, ACCELERATE project partners met at the premises of the FRMII in Garching for the second project meeting of the year. The status of each work package was presented and assessed. It was followed with fruitful discussions on the activities, with a major focus on the upcoming steps in 2019 and 2020. Read more here.Watch now ► ACCELERATE webinar on Innovation Effectiveness

In the framework of ACCELERATE, a series of webinars will be taking place in the first Wednesday of each month in order to discuss one of the key aspects related to Industrial Liaison and technology Transfer. The first edition focused on Innovation Effectiveness. Read more hereKey performance indicators of Research Infrastructures / 2: Executive Summary
November 2018

Following the recent Competitiveness Council Conclusions, which mandate ESFRI to develop a common approach for monitoring the performance of research infrastructures (RIs), a questionnaire was sent by ERF-AISBL (Association of European-level Research Infrastructure Facilities) to the community of European RIs in order to gain a better insight into how they address (or would address as the case may be) the issue of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Read more hereCERIC at the Research Infrastructures and Contract Research Workshop
30 October 2018, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina

CERIC took part in the Research Infrastructures and Contract Research Workshop, which was jointly organized by the RCC (Regional Cooperation Council) and the JRC (Joint Research Centre).The event focused on state-of-play assessment of the road mapping process of Research Infrastructures in the Western Balkans as well as on the exchange of best practices in contract research. Read more here.CERIC supports researchers’ scientific development through ACCELERATE
October 2018

CERIC aims to reach scientific communities in the eastern border of the EU, where researchers face major challenges in bringing their innovative skills into life because of the constrains and limitations in their home countries. For that, CERIC strives to attract these communities to the opportunities and support it offers to researchers. Read more hereAlliance of Research Infrastructures’ IL and TT practices for stronger collaborations with industry
26-28 September 2018, Vienna – Austria

The Workshop on Technology Transfer (TT) and Industrial Liaison (IL) in Research Infrastructures (RIs) organized by CERIC through the ACCELERATE project gathered experts based in 12 different European countries specialized in the different key aspects of the TT and IL value chain. Read more hereRegister now ► ACCELERATE at the Academia-Industry Matching Event
29-30 October 2018,  Budapest – Hungary 

CERIC will be presented at the ”Academia-Industry Matching Event – Machine Learning and Visual Analytics in the Clouds Workshop” which is taking place in Budapest, Hungary on 29-30 October 2018. Read more hereEARIV brochure is OUT Discover the industrial R&D services and capabilities of European large-scale analytical research infrastructures.

The ACCELERATE project has recently joined EARIV, the European Analytical Research Infrastructures Village, a network of five Horizon2020 projects and three regional projects. The EARIV members work together to offer advanced materials characterization services to the industry. Read more hereSubmit your responses to the questionnaire on KPIs in RIs by September 26th.

ERF, with the support of CERIC through the H2020 project ACCELERATE, would like to collect opinions on the topic from its Members, and from other research infrastructures and ERICs, in order to contribute to the implementation of the Council Conclusion. Read more hereSave The Date ACCELERATE Satellite Conference at the CNM 2018 – Ukraine
22-28 October 2018, Uzhhorod – Ukraine

CERIC will take part in the CNM (Clusters and Nanostructure Materials) conference, taking place in Ukraine on 22-28 October 2018 through a satellite conference organised in the framework of ACCELERATE. Read more hereKey Performance Indicators of Research Infrastructures / 1: Explanatory Note
By Jana Kolar (CERIC-ERIC), Andrew Harrison (Diamond Light Source Ltd), Florian Gliksohn (ELI-DC)

There is little doubt that publicly funded instruments or institutions should have a performance monitoring system in place. Key performance indicators (KPIs), which describe how well an institution or a programme is achieving its objectives, play a key role in this process. Read more hereWorkshop on Industrial Liaison & Technology Transfer in Research Infrastructures: Best Practices and Success Factors
26-28 September 2018, Vienna – Austria

Industrial liaison and technology transfer are crucial to explore possible collaborations of research infrastructures with industrial partners. They also allow to increase the impact of research infrastructures as an innovation driving force for the society at large. However, there are several challenges to be faced for such a liaison to be successful. Read more here.ACCELERATE at the Science in the City Festival  – ESOF 2018
9-15 July, Toulouse – France

CERIC, with the other members of the European Research Facility Association ERF-AISBL, will be in Toulouse from 9 to 15 July 2018 for the Science in the City Festival at ESOF 2018, with an interactive exhibition that will bring you through the tools and laboratories used by scientists to answer to the most challenging questions on health, energy, environment, cultural heritage, materials engineering and astronomy. Read more here.ACCELERATE at the Eu-SPRI Conference: How to identify and evaluate Research Infrastructures’ impact?
6-8 June 2018, Paris – France

Eu-SPRI, the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, is held annually and gathers experts and fellows in the field. This year, the conference focused on five main themes spanning governance, innovation policy, understanding of globalization, challenges for renewed research orientations, and the relation between societal change and innovation. Read more here. ACCELERATE workshop on ERIC’s implementation and VAT issues
7 June 2018, Brussels – Belgium

CERIC, together with ACCELERATE partners ELI-DC and the European Spallation Source, has organized the workshop on ERIC’s implementation and VAT issues, taking place on June 7th at the DG-RTD, Directorate General for Research and Innovation in Brussels, Belgium. Read more here. ACCELERATE strengthens the basis for a stronger Research – Industry collaboration

Through the H2020 ACCELERATE project, partners work on strengthening the bond between Research Infrastructures and industrial communities to provide the latter with the necessary support and tools for their applied research. Read more here. BrightnESS Closing Conference
22 June 2018, Brussels – Belgium 

ACCELERATE’s project partner ESS is organising BrightnESS Closing Conference, which will take place on June 22nd at the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts in Brussels. Read more here. 2nd ERIC Forum Meeting
19-20 April 2018, Oxford – UK

CERIC will attend the 2nd ERIC Forum meeting at Instruct-ERIC in Oxford UK on April 19-20th. Managers and staff of existing and prospective ERICs will have the chance to exchange best practices, and to discuss common problems and the related possible solutions with the delegates of the European Commission who will attend the event. Read more here. CERIC training for industrial PhD students through case studies from ACCELERATE
13 April 2018, Barcelona – Spain

How to select the most suitable companies for projects’ partnerships? How to formulate the elevator pitch of a research project for target industrial partners? What are the key aspects for a strong Research Infrastructures – Industry collaboration?  Read more here. ACCELERATE @SYNERGI2018 showcases R&D solutions to industry in the automotive, pharma and energy sectors
8 March 2018, NEMO Science Museum Amsterdam – The Netherlands

On 8th March, at the R2B event SYNERGI 2018 held in Amsterdam, 20 renowned players in different industrial fields, such as Toyota for automotive and Vallourec for energy, attended the ACCELERATE session on the CERIC’s services for the industry, to learn more about the different uses of some of the techniques available and the type of problems they can solve. Read more here ACCELERATE partners met at the annual Project’s meeting to discuss upcoming actions in 2018
7 March 2018, The Hague – The Netherlands

ACCELERATE partners met on 7 March 2018 at the premises of the Rathenau Institute in The Hague, to present the state of the project and upcoming steps. All work packages and related deliverables were presented, and partners discussed the possible improvements to increase the impact of the actions planned. Collaborations in the field of nanotech boosted at the ACCELERATE R2B event in Prague 
14-15 February 2018, Prague – Czech Republic

About 60 participants from 11 European countries explored synergies fostering knowledge transfer and network for the development of innovative technologies and applications in the field of nanotechnology at the conference “Nanotechnology: from Materials to Science”. Read more here Learn more about the industrial applications of nanotechnology at the ‘Nanotechnology: From Materials to Science’ conference
15-16 February 2018, Prague – Czech Republic

ESP invites you, together with CERIC, ESS, and HZG, to take part in the Nanotechnology from Materials to Science conference, which will take place at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, on 15-16 February 2018. Read more here ACCELERATE’s results on RIs’ socio-economic impact assessment presented for possible use in the Social Sciences and Humanities’ field 
24-25 January 2018, Bologna – Italy

On 24-25 January, at the international conference “Stay tuned for the Future”in Bologna, Leonie van Drooge presented the approach the Rathenau Institute develops for ACCELERATE to the RIs’ community in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities. Read more here CERIC meets the scientific community in Serbia through ACCELERATE
15 January 2018, University of Belgrade – Serbia

As part of the outreach actions organized in the framework of the ACCELERATE project, CERIC delivered a presentation on Monday, January 15th in the University of Belgrade to researchers and science enthusiasts under the theme: CERIC-ERIC, Central European Excellence for Research in Material and Life Sciences. Read more hereWorkshop on Human Resources in ERICs
17 November 2017, Graz – Austria

On November 17th, CERIC and ELI organised a workshop on Human Resources management in ERICs. The event was a great occasion for ERICs’ managers and administrative personnel to discuss common challenges related to HR practices and processes. Read more here  Research Infrastructures in ACCELERATE on the way to develop an improved methodology on socio-economic impact assessment
15 November 2017, Munich – Germany 

On November 15th, representatives from CERIC, ELI, the European Spallation Source, the Helmoltz-Centre Geesthacht and FRM II met in Garching to continue the development of a methodology for the monitoring and assessment of socio-economic returns of Research Infrastructures (RIs). Read more here CERIC links researchers to entrepreneurs to encourage collaborations
20 October 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy

On October 20th, CERIC organized a Research to Business (R2B) meeting to connect industrial companies and researchers from the Italian Partner Facility at Elettra, and from the Slovenian one at the SloNMR, with the aim of strengthening the relation between the parties and therefore encouraging and building future collaborations. Read more here CERIC Special Session at the 19th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists
4-7 September 2017, Prešov – Slovakia

In the framework of the H2020 ACCELERATE project, CERIC took part in the 19th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists with a Special Session focused on the opportunities for open access offered by the Consortium. The conference was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Prešov, Slovakia, on 4-7 September 2017. Read more here Research meets Business via ACCELERATE: Fostering collaboration between CERIC and the industry
20 October 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy

CERIC-ERIC is bringing together researchers from its partner facilities and industry representatives for a one day Research to Business (R2B) meeting at the CERIC headquarters in Trieste on October 20th, with the objective of encouraging and strengthening the collaboration between the parties. Read more here  Training and networking activities at the CERIC-CEI CONTACT workshop brought together researchers from 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe
26-27 June 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy

27 participants from 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe attended the CONTACT workshop, CERIC-CEI training on advanced materials characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures. The event was organized within the scope of the CEI Cooperation Activities – part of the CEI Plan of Action 2016 priorities, and was co-funded by the H2020 ACCELERATE project. Read more here SAVE THE DATE: CONTACT workshop will be live-streamed on June 26th at 2p.m.
26-27 June 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy

We are counting the days to welcome the participants for a fruitful and knowledge sharing experience at the CERIC-ERIC’s headquarters in Trieste. The good news is that we are offering the opportunity for everyone to benefit from it: that is not only the 160 applicants who couldn’t be physically present with us, but also the general public. Read more here ACCELERATE WP1 leaders at the Eu-SPRI Conference
7-9 June 2017, Vienna – Austria

Mrs. Leonie Van Drooge (Senior Researcher at the Rathenau institute) presented the work she and colleague Dr. Jasper Deuten (Coordinator at the Rathenau institute) do for ACCELERATE at the annual Eu-SPRI conference, which hosted an audience of fellows in the field of research and impact evaluation. Read more here CONTACT workshop: CERIC-CEI Training in advanced material characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures
26-27 June 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy

CERIC-ERIC and the Central European Initiative – CEI are glad to invite you to the CONTACT workshop, taking place at the CERIC headquarters in Trieste, on 26-27 June, 2017. The CONTACT workshop is open to researchers at any career stage, working in fields requiring advanced materials characterization. Read more here Satellite Event at the NESY Winterschool 2017
6 March 2017, Altaussee – Austria

Students and early stage researchers interested in analytical techniques attended the CERIC satellite workshop that took place on the 6th of March along the well-known NESY Winterschool in Altaussee, Austria. The event, organized by CERIC within the framework of the ACCELERATE project – presented complementary methods for the analysis and characterization of advanced materials. Read more her Workshop on Human Resources in ERICs
21 February 2017, Rome – Italy

On February 21, the CERIC-MIUR workshop on Human Resources in ERICs, co-funded by the MIUR and the EC H2020 project ACCELERATE, was held in Rome. The event focused on some of the topics of greatest interest to RIs managers: human resources, their management and the most difficult aspects of their regulations in an intergovernmental framework such as that of the ERICs. Read more here ACCELERATE kick-off meeting
26 January 2017, Trieste – Italy

On January 26th, 12 representatives of project partners from six countries, gathered at the CERIC-ERIC headquarters in Trieste to launch the H2020 funded project ACCELERATE. The project’s main objective is to help ensuring the long term sustainability of Research Infrastructures in general and ERICs in particular. Under the coordination of CERIC-ERIC, the project. Read more here