26-27 June 2017, CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy
We are currently few days away from the CONTACT Workshop, CERIC-CEI Training in advanced material characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures. We are counting the days to welcome the participants for a fruitful and knowledge sharing experience at the CERIC-ERIC’s headquarters in Trieste. The good news is that we are offering the opportunity for everyone to benefit from it: that is not only the 160 applicants who couldn’t be physically present with us, but also the general public.
You can watch the livestream of the CONTACT workshop at this link.
The programme of the workshop is focused on both theoretical lectures and practical tutorials on synchrotron beamlines, and that is to ensure the well transfer of balanced information to the participants. The purpose is to introduce them to techniques that can be useful for their current and future research studies, as well as to help them widen their knowledge about different solutions that CERIC facilities can provide in different scientific fields. Moreover, the workshop is planned in a way that gives the opportunity and time for participants to network for future collaborations and projects, since it will be a great meeting occasion for researchers from different countries and fields.