22-28 October 2018, Uzhhorod – Ukraine
In the framework of the ACCELERATE project, a satellite event was held within the CNM (Clusters and Nanostructure Materials) conference, to introduce researchers of the region to CERIC’s Open Access (OA)* opportunities developed specially for targeted countries – among them Ukraine.
Additionally, the session included hints for writing a successful proposal that opens the doors towards some of the best large scale research facilities in Central and Eastern Europe. The conference also gathered researchers to share knowledge about the latest achievements in the fields of nanomaterials and nanosized systems.
*About CERIC’s Promotional Open Access
Through the Promotional Open Access, CERIC offers personalised support to researchers from the EU’s eastern border countries for the preparation of their proposal, measurements, data analysis and publication of the results and the services CERIC offers to proprietary research. More info here.